Friday, August 7, 2009

Buffing Out The Aluminum

Well, with a little elbow grease the aluminum can look just like chrome!! I wouldn't have believed it ... this 45 year old aluminum looks great. Charles is doing a wonderful job. Can't wait to see how good she looks with all the aluminum buffed out. We're still "thinking" about what to do about the city of Fresno's ordnance on parking anything on your own driveway for more than 2 weeks that is not being moved regularly (they consider it storing). How are we going to do this when we want to work on her every night for an hour or two?? She won't fit behind the fence even as little as she is. She's about 7 or 8 inches too high for the garage (which would be perfect, we could then work on her during the winter without worry of rain and moisture). We're got to do something right away or take her back to our daughter's house in the next few days. Time is running out!! Thinking......